::BOOK REVIEW:: Real Food for Pregnancy: The Science and Wisdom of Optimal Prenatal Nutrition


So, I'm kind of a nutrition buff. I enjoy reading about nutrition, hearing about the latest scientific health discoveries, and creating healthy meal plans – but especially when it comes to pregnancy, as a doula and childbirth educator it's kind of my job to know everything about it. A great deal of “traditional” American nutritional advice is just garbage (10 servings a day of bread and crackers and pasta, anyone?), so I'm always excited to find resources about real, non-weird, everyday food that actually helps build and nourish our bodies.

I received a free copy of “Real Food for Pregnancy: The Science and Wisdom of Optimal Prenatal Nutrition” by Lily Nichols RDN, CDE in exchange for my honest review. I actually didn't read it right away, assuming that it was going to be more like a textbook for nutritionists and Obs/midwives rather than something I could enjoy reading as a busy mom and doula.

real food for pregnancy table of contents 2.jpg
real food for pregnancy table of contents 3.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that, although the book has a citation for practically every sentence, it was an engaging and not-difficult read. I would love for every prenatal nutritionist, OB-GYN, midwife, and childbirth educator to have a copy on their shelves, but it's also a fabulous book for everyday moms who just want to take the reins on their own health, and learn for themselves what they need to know about prenatal nutrition.

I really liked how the book broke down each vital nutrient (selenium, choline, DHA, iodine, iron, etc., etc.), its function, how much you need of it per day during pregnancy, and which foods are good sources. And some of these sources are things like eggs, butter, and fish, that mainstream culture has tried to discourage us from eating (my husband was wondering why I kept going “YAAASSS!”) After some of the health problems that I suffered due to malnutrition during and after my pregnancies, I actually felt a renewed sense of hope in possibly having another, and being able to stay healthy and build a strong baby without compromising my nutrient stores.

Real Food for Pregnancy also goes pretty boldly into the territory of certain pregnancy food myths that most of us probably believe. (You shouldn't have sodium, you shouldn't have fish and/or sushi, you shouldn't have cheese, etc...) It talks about why we have those beliefs, which ones have some truth to them, and how to source and enjoy certain nutrient-dense deliciousness while still staying safe and reducing your risk of food-borne illness.

Prenatal vitamins, herbs, and supplements (such as folate vs folic acid, DHA, Vitamin D, and a lot more) are also discussed, and there are some delicious recipes incorporating some of the nutrient-dense foods that we might not be used to eating as a regular part of our day. I also learned quite a bit about general prenatal and nutritional testing – what tests are good to have before, during, and after pregnancy, and what optimal levels should look like.

Finally, since building healthy moms and babies is the object of the book and nutrition is only one component, Real Food for Pregnancy also discusses planning for a low-stress postpartum recovery, adapting traditional healing practices for modern women, breastfeeding, sleep, postpartum body image, and a lot more. The author does mention recommending postpartum doulas to ensure that parents' physical and emotional needs get met, though it would have been great if it went into more detail!

I will definitely be keeping this book in my collection, not just for my work as a doula and childbirth educator but also to reference for my own future pregnancy plans...

Grab your own copy of Real Food for Pregnancy by Lily Nichols RDN, CDE

Note: Although Real Food for Pregnancy does talk about gestational diabetes, Lily Nichols has also written a book that is specific to the dietary needs of preventing and controlling gestational diabetes. You can get a copy of Real Food for Gestational Diabetes here too!