Professional Birth Doulas in Wichita
You know what you need out of your birthing experience. Your partner and loved ones know what makes you tick. And we know birth and babies.
We'll make an amazing team.
You're pretty excited about having this baby, but we know you: you're secretly kind of overwhelmed, too. Epidurals and contractions and pushing, oh my? You might not be sure of what you'll want in labor - or if you are sure, you don't know just how you'll make that happen or if your husband will know what to say and do to coach you. That's why we're here - you guys don't have to do this alone and nervous.
It all starts when we match you with the perfect-for-you doula dream team. From the time that you become one of our honored clients, you will have your very own professional and amazing doulas on call for you, 24/7. This means that whether you just have a quick question, or it's two in the morning and you think you might be in labor, your doula is excited and ready to hear from you!
Our prenatal meetings will let you deepen your relationship with your doula team. You'll get to know each other and create the perfect birth plan. You'll go over birth scenarios, practice comfort techniques, and ask as many questions as you like. You and your partner will feel confident, equipped for labor, and so supported by your doulas! Is your husband or partner unsure what a doula does? Show them this!
The big day comes.
Your doula can help you determine when it's time to go to the hospital, and either meet you there or come to your home to support you during early labor. She will help you feel relaxed, informed, and safe, keep the room set up the way you like it, and make sure your partner's needs are met. She will use her many doula skills to suggest positions and techniques to keep you comfortable and your labor progressing. She will treat your care providers and family members with the utmost kindness and respect. And she'll laugh and cry with you as you meet your baby for the first time.
A few days later, when you're all settled in at home, your doula will come by for a follow-up postpartum visit. She'll make sure you and baby are resting and recovering, feeding is going well, provide any information or referrals you may need, and even lend a hand around the house.
You'll want to keep her forever!
Invest in an incredible birth experience - let our first-class doulas show you and your partner what it's like to go through the most important transition of your life with a warm, confident, and well-rounded expert by your side. We have something for everyone, including payment plans and registries. Checks, credit cards, and HSA/Flex accepted.
Schedule a consultation with your Wichita Doulas

Our Birth Clients Are Saying:
"If there is any advice for me to give on childbirth...Hire. A. Doula! I, without a doubt, would not have had the amazing labor experience I did without my doula...Her support, encouragement, and expertise are what I truly believe helped me have a natural birth in less time and less pain. She eased my fears of the unknown, guided my husband in helping me and was there for all my postpartum needs. I’m forever grateful! Thank you...Wichita Doula!"
- Lora S., 2018